Sunday, April 19, 2015

Pastor To's Memorial Service

On behalf of our family, thank you for loving us, praying for us and supporting us during for so long and during this time.  We are so very blessed and humbled to have had so many people celebrate Dad's life with us at his memorial service on Friday.  He truly touched the lives of so many people.

Thank you to the amazing brothers at CBCCP church (George, Thomas, Sunny and others) who helped us to live stream the service so that so many near and far could watch Pastor To's Memorial Service.  

If you were unable to attend, you can still watch the service by going to

The PowerPoint from the program is also available here
In the coming days, we hope to post other things at Dad's blog.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Letter #5: Wishing you a blessed Chinese New year 祝

See letter #1, 2,3, and 4.

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Happy Chinese New Year. 

Many Chinese like to look for good fortune in this season.  Since we are now in the “year of Lamb,” we can take advantage of this season to share the good fortunate through knowing Jesus, “the lamb of God.”  Last Sunday, I put some tracts for Chinese New Year in the lobby. 

We can also take advantage the redemptive analogy in the Chinese words to share.  Here are a couple of meaningful Chinese words: